


Urbanism works when it creates a journey as desirable as the destination.
— Paul Goldberger

Promenade is a rapid pedestrian solution for highly dense cities. Metropolises like Hong Kong are really packed, the density is too extreme that pedestrians often need to share roads with vehicles, which is clearly not ideal. By observing a dense neighbourhood in Ho Man Tin, Hong Kong, my group decided to create a rapidly generable, mass-applicable pedestrian solution for metropolises, to minimise preparations, reduce risks, and create a more pleasant, more walkable network for citizens.


Screenshot 2020-12-16 at 1.30.43 PM.png

To ensure ease of planning, automation is key. Our group wrote an extensive Grasshopper script to generate promenade for a selected neighbourhood. With the help of plug-ins, including Elk, Planbee, Ladybug, Lunchbox, Pufferfish, and some self-written scripts and components, our process is highly automated and can create a realistic promenade structure in minutes base on user selected data or analytic parameters. In our project, we picked the aforementioned Ho Man Tin neighbourhood as a test case to demonstrate our script.


Automation Logic

Site analysis

Floor Determination

Sun path orientation

Structure modelling

Final Model

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